Tuesday, August 30, 2011

family reunion

in two very short days:

My mother and sister land at La Aurora International in Guate City.
I will be reunited with two of my favorite ladies. No boys allowed!
We will commence a 4-day spree of eating, drinking and shopping.

Can you feel my excitement through the pixelated screen?!

PNKD family reunion | lakeview, MI | june 2011
i wish all of these ladies could have joined us.
julie do, you will be missed! (pictured in center)
and just because. me with cousin aspen.

On repeat today: John Denver's "Country Roads," which is one of our family anthems. Because for whatever reason, it is my father's favorite American song: a man born in Nha Trang, Vietnam - who has only lived in Minnesota, Michigan and Texas in the US - who hates camping and has never been to West Virginia. 


pooj and jess said...

I expect red carpet treatment.

gradydoctor said...

love it. love the jumping pic. love the john denver. proud of you ant-tita.

and your sister's comments continue to be one of the best parts of this blog. she is hilarious and quick-witted. good Lord she is. what will your mom do with you both in a foreign land and all those one-liners?