Wednesday, February 15, 2012

kitchen table wisdom

Just AB-SO-LUTE-LY loved every word from Rachel Naomi Remen's book. Powerful stuff.

The life in us is diminished by judgment far more frequently than by disease. Our own self-judgment or the judgment of other people can stifle our life force, its spontaneity and natural expression. Unfortunately, judgment is commonplace. It is as rare to find someone who loves us as we are as it is to find someone who loves themselves whole. 
Judgment does not only take the form of criticism. Approval is also a form of judgment. 

And just because. Here are some favorite photos of the rugrats over the holidays. Oh, how I miss these faces.

abigail, a face only a (god)mother could love | nov 2011
hooligans | nov 2011
sleepover | dec 2011
movies | dec 2011
my heart melts | dec 2011