...I can almost taste it.
Pooja is already in transit to Bangkok. Jess has finished her LSAT and said goodbye to her second graders. I'm almost done with this godforsaken renal module.
Tomorrow, freedom is going to taste like a cold cold beer on a hot hot day (and maybe some fried chicken). And as of Sunday, it's going to taste like endless curries and noodle dishes and pho and bu bo hue and hot street food and fresh tropical fruit and spring rolls and all sorts of dishes that I don't even know the names for... I cannot wait.
be safe and have fun in Thailand.
safe sex = condoms
safe drinks = get it yourself
good luck on exams you soon-to-be-no-more M1
C U in VN!! Peace out
have a great & safe trip in SE Asia! enjoy this side of the world :)
Pooja is going, too? Why didn't you parents invite me? Is it because I'm Korean? Well, F that! Word of advice: don't hook up with anybody in Thailand. Chances are, it's not the gender you think it is...
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