Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Do better.

When you try your best but you don't succeed
When you get what you want but not what you need

When you feel so tired but you can't sleep

I am humbled every day: by patients, by patients' families, by doctors and nurses, by other students. In the face of illness and disease, there is so much information to retain with so little cranial space to contain it. I'm not used to feeling inadequate. But I do, daily. I thought that by the end of medical school, with the extra M.D. and M.P.H. letters behind my name, that I'd be this vessel of knowledge, or maybe a gourd of knowledge at least. (Gourd, I like that word). But perhaps the greatest lesson I'll leave Emory with in a few years is: I won't ever know all the answers. It'd be so much easier if the world was painted in only black & white, but where's the beauty in that? Gray, it's the new black.

And the tears come streaming down your face

When you lose something you can't replace

I admit it. I've become a crier. I spent years of my childhood and adolescence bottling my emotions away and functioning as a tomboy independent hard-ass. All of that has been thrown out the window though. I am one of two regular tear-shedders during small group meetings. I often turn away during patient encounters to hide the welling tears. When it gets really bad, I feign the need to pee and bawl a bit in a bathroom stall. And now, I write if it gets to be too much. But I don't care. Emotions, they're also the new black.
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes

And I will try to fix you
I don't have any semblance of a "God complex." I recognize that I will make mistakes. I already have. I expect my bad days to get worst but also for my good days to get better. But ultimately, I expect this from myself:


-Coldplay's "Fix You"

p.s. Listen to the moving version of Coldplay's "Fix You" from the film Young@Heart

p.p.s. Don't be fooled. I may cry but I'm still an independent hard-ass ... only I'm in a dress these days.


Tiffany said...

don't go chasing waterfalls... ;) love you and keep on doin' what you're doin'!

gradydoctor said...

My dearest Ant! I wish I could tell you that it gets better with time. Did Alanna tell you that I started crying during Primary Grand Rounds?? (Thank goodness I had the other half of the "two regular criers" in our small group there to cry right along with me.)
Yeah, man. . .this is some heavy stuff we signed up for. . . .

As always, I am so proud of you. . . .

Keep it human,

Dr. M

pooj and jess said...

I'm over DO BETTER. Give me something else.