Monday, June 30, 2008

Love is in the air

One bus ride and one ferry ride away from Bangkok, we arrived on the island of Ko Samet. I think the most effort spent in our 3 days there was the 15 minute walk into "town" to access an ATM and the local 7-11 for some bottled water... which we only bothered to do once. Seriously? Seriously.

I managed to get ridiculously tan in a ridiculously short period of time. Now, everyday as I walk through Saigon, I get catcalls. No, not that kind. But the kind guessing my nationality: Kampuchea? Thai? Filipino? Laos? Even when I correct them, I'm accused of lying. What a bittersweet homecoming to the motherland: rejected by my own people.
But I digress.

We befriended 3 Cambodian guys who worked at our hotel on the beach, only one even spoke English. Somehow 2 of them had fallen under the spell of my "magnetic face" and "charming smile." Direct quotes, my friends. Maybe I won't be returning to Emory in a few weeks after all...

p.s. Check out for more on our Thai adventures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are none of those. They guessed the wrong mammal. You are a whale.

The end.
