I'm currently in Hanoi, commie capital, and flying solo for the first time in 3 weeks. The Pham-ily flew back to Saigon yesterday morning and the Jess & Pooj circus act flew to Phnom Penh to continue their invasion of Southeast Asia. I spent a few hours catching up on emails and other sundry business and just sitting. In silence. Silence has been a rare commodity during my time in Vietnam. Yes, the honking and street noise is non-stop. But more importantly, my Pham-ily is loud; it's in the blood.
Clearly, the blogging while traveling through Vietnam didn't work out so well. We were on the go every other day or so, making leisure internet time scarce. To do things backwards, I'll post entries and pics from the States.
I fly out tonight at 11pm for a 24+ hour journey back to Atlanta.
goodbye vietnam. hello america.